Oasis Academy Coulsdon is a 'Good' school
We are delighted to say that following our Ofsted inspection in March 2024, the Academy continues to be ‘Good'.
When Ofsted inspected the Academy they found:
Leaders at all levels are committed to the school's continuous improvement.
The Academy cares about it's students and has high expectations of them.
Students behave well and the school has high expectations of student behaviour.
Students are happy and safe.
The Academy provides a carefully considered curriculum which is broad and balanced.
Staff are proud to work at the school.
A full copy of Ofsted's Inspection Letter can be viewed and downloaded here.
To see a full list of previous inspections along with our current report, please visit the Ofsted website.
Parent View
If you would like to participate on Parent View, please do so by clicking the link below. This is a great way for you to give your feedback on the Academy and we welcome all parents/carers to take this opportunity.