
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Performance Tables

Our Progress 8 score is 0.06

  Academy Local Authority Average England Average
Attainment 8  45.62 45.6 46.2
Students achieving grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSE 48% 45% 45%
Students entering the EBacc Qualification 69.9% 48% 39%
Students achieving the EBacc Qualification grade 5 or above 19%    
Students staying in education or entering employment after KS4 98% 94% 94%
Performance of Disadvantaged Pupils England State Funded Schools
Progress 8 score -0.56 0.03
Attainment 8 score 35.63 48.7
Students achieving English & Maths GCSE at grade 5 or above 32% 50%
Students achieving English & Maths GCSE at grade 4 or above 47%  
Students achieving EBacc at grade 5/C or above 12% 20%
Students achieving EBacc at grade 4/C or above 22% 27%


To view the Oasis Academy Coulsdon Performance Tables directly on the DfE website please click here.


Post-16 Destinations

Breakdown of Year 11 destinations for 2023.

Destination Number of Students % of Students
Sixth Form 19 10%
College 163 86%
Further Education 189 99%
Apprenticeship 7 3%
Employment 0 0%