There is no doubt that excellent standards of Literacy enable all students to perform highly across their subjects.
This is why, here at the Academy, we place so much importance on students developing their ability to speak, read, and write to a high level.
Improving literacy is a process that takes time and dedication, so with these things in mind, we undertake the following:
Mentor time
We use an intervention programme called Reading Plus which allows students self-directed time to improve their reading and vocabulary. Along with use in English lessons and homework, mentor time is used for this exciting and provenly effective tool.
Class time
In every lesson there is an expectation that students read all resources (including the board) prior to the teacher reading the text.
In addition, teachers will deliberately use challenging vocabulary both in verbal and written forms to further extend the vocabulary of the students. Teachers also insist that all students write in full sentences and speak in a formal manner.
Lunchtimes and after school
The Academy Library is open every lunch time and after school to ensure students are able to access a variety of different fiction texts and have a space to complete homework. Our online library system means that we are able to record and monitor students’ use of the library to ensure they are reading regularly and reading texts which challenge their understanding.
Because we believe that supporting students with lower reading ages is crucial to their academic success, there are a number of different interventions in place which seek to eradicate literacy issues. These include schemes such as:
- Lexia
- Ruth Miskin
- Paired Reading
- Reading Plus
What support can you give at home?
Reading regularly with your child, whether that be a novel or simply a magazine which you can both enjoy is important. Whilst reading it is an excellent idea to ask questions about the meaning of certain words, what’s happening in the plot or simply what they believe will happen next.
To help with text choices please see our recommendations here:
KS3 Reading List
KS4 Reading List
If you have any further questions regarding literacy and how you can improve the help you provide at home, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Hodges.
Literacy Policy