Family System
Educating young people is not just about providing students with the academic qualifications to succeed in the workplace. They need social skills to enable them to interact and communicate with a cross-section of society: people from different ethnic and economic backgrounds and different age ranges.
As an Academy, it is our responsibility to prepare our students for the real world of business and this is reflected in our Family Year Group and House structures within Oasis Academy Coulsdon. Friendships are formed without the more traditional 'age-barriers' found in so many schools. Our Academy reflects real life and, just like real families, we will never give up on our students, we will nurture them and watch them grow into responsible, caring citizens.
"The school is described by many as being like a 'family'."
Ofsted, March 2024
Family Year Groups
When students join the Academy in Year 7 they will enter the Year 7 Family, led by one of our five Family Leaders. Students will stay with their Family and Family Leader as the progress through the Academy, meaning that their Family Leader can build and strengthen relationships formed in their first year, and provide real continuity for each individual student's needs- especially in the crucial time of Year 11.
Students will also join a mentor group as they enter the Academy, they will stay with their group and their mentor for their five years at the Academy, which will again strengthen the care and support provided for each student.
As well as guiding and supporting students in through their journey at the Academy, Family Leaders will liaise with our feeder primary schools and ensure students in Years 5 and 6 are supported in the transition to secondary school.
As students continue their journey through the Academy, their Family Leader and Mentor will be there to support and celebrate them through some important milestones, such as the KS3 Graduation ceremony. Students will make their GCSE option choices at the end of Year 9 ready to begin their chosen courses at the start of Year 10. At the end of the academic year a graduation ceremony is held, inviting parents/carer and close family members to join us in these celebrations of students achievement and marking the next step they are about to embark upon.
House Structure
Our House Structure encourages students to interact with peers of a different age, at the same time as fostering competition and rewards within the Academy. Students join one of four Houses when they join the Academy, each House is led by one of four Heads of House.
As part of a House, students will earn merit points that contribute towards their personal and overall House totals. Students will also get the opportunity to gain merit points by participating in House competitions throughout the year, including Sports Day. Merit points will contribute to each individual students rewards total and also to their House running total, with the winning House at the end of the academic year being awarded the Oasis Academy House Cup.