Wellbeing Centre
Mrs Hackett runs our WellBeing Centre and offers a variety of support to students and their families on a wide range of health issues including counselling.
As the Academy's lead Child Protection Officer, Mrs Hackett also works closely with education and medical professionals as well as social services to ensure our students receive the support they need in times of difficulties.
Students are not allowed to carry medication on them in the Academy and must leave it with Mrs Hackett in the WellBeing Centre should they need to take medicine during the school day.
Should you wish your child to have Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or other over the counter remedies in the Academy then please ensure they are handed in at Main Reception marked for the attention of Mrs Hackett. Prescription medication which requires administration in the Academy should be sent in with the pharmacy label clearly detailing dosage, timing and name of recipient. For the Academy to administer any medication the below form much be completed.
Medical, Allergy, Intolerance, SEN and Disabilities Information Form
If you would like to talk about any medical issue concerning your child please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Hackett.