Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
"Leaders identify and meet the needs of pupils with SEND, both in lessons and in the 'O Zone' resource provision. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well."
(Ofsted, March 2024)
All Croydon Schools and Academies are committed to and adopt a similar approach to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs. There is a shared expectation that all students, regardless of their specific needs, should be offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and ensure they can actively participate in the wider aspects of school life.
At Oasis Academy Coulsdon we believe that every person matters. We are a loving family who has the highest expectations and aspirations for all, working together to overcome barriers to success and fulfilment.
The Academy will use its best endeavours to ensure the necessary provision is made for any student with SEND. In doing so we will fulfil the statutory duties and best practice guidelines set out in the Department for Education Draft Code of Practice for SEND.
Who is the best person at the Academy to talk to about my child’s Special Educational Need?
Our SENCo is Grace Elvin. You can contact her either via the Academy address or by telephone or email.
Email: Grace Elvin
Tel: 01737 551161
Visit the Oasis Community Learning Equality webpage HERE.
Locality SEND Support
Our school is part of an exciting initiative by Croydon Council to improve support for children with special needs or disabilities (SEND) who live in Croydon.
We are working with a cluster of local schools, who together have been given funding to provide early intervention and better targeted help to support children and young people with SEND. This work covers children from nursery to year 11 and will enable our special needs staff to work closely with our partner schools and nurseries to quickly get the necessary support and help for pupils who are beginning to demonstrate that they have additional needs which cannot be met through our own school SEND resources.
This early help may be in the form of advice, school to school support, referral to specialist services, or additional resources, including early years special needs funding (SENIF). The support can be put in place rapidly without unnecessary delay. This is because our group of schools manage the funding between us, so we can direct this to the most suitable children in an efficient targeted way. If, despite this rapid support, it is thought that a child would still benefit from an Education and Health Care Plan, the local group will work together to ensure that the application to assess is appropriate, submitted promptly with all the relevant information including from outside professionals.
The initiative is called “Croydon Locality SEND Support” and will continue throughout this academic year. We will of course monitor the outcomes closely and we will always involve parents and carers in any decisions made and review the support regularly. Presently the scheme is only for Croydon residents and will not impact on students who already have an Education & Health Care Plan or those in Enhanced Learning Provisions or special schools.
If you want to learn more about this scheme please contact our SENDCO and we will be happy to send you further details.
View the details guide on LSS here.
Download the Brochure for LSS here.